Hello, and welcome to “Whisperings of Grace.” I am so glad you stopped by.

Let me share with you why “Whisperings of Grace” came to be.

I had the opportunity to attend a great women’s conference in October 2013. Approximately 200 women from my church gathered for a weekend retreat entitled, “From Roots to Fruits.” We learned how to reflect on our “roots,”… the past & present events of our lives, good and bad…and to cultivate fruit from them…planting seeds of hope and encouragement as we grow in our walk with Christ.

A friendship grew as a result of that retreat.  A first time visitor to my Sunday School class needed transportation to the event. I didn’t want to drive down by myself, so I invited her to ride with me. We embarked on a three hour road trip as strangers. We had only met once before. I thought, “What on earth are we going to talk about for three hours.” (I later learned she had the same apprehension.) “God”… We talked about God; how we came to know Christ, and what we hoped to get out of the conference.  We talked about our families and careers.

Those three hours passed as if only ten minutes. Just as quickly as the trip down passed, so did the three day conference. Before we knew it, it was time to head back home. Same thoughts…what do I talk about for three hours on the way back. Well, of course conversations flowed about the conference. But one of the amazing things was we learned that we both had a heart’s desire to minister to other women, and felt a need to develop some type of encouragement ministry. We just didn’t know exactly what or how it was to happen. But, we knew a seed had been planted. And we strongly felt God had orchestrated our meeting and conversations that weekend. We felt Him whispering to us. How you might ask? Well, (1) she needed transportation and I needed someone to ride with me, (2) the time of our availability for departure to the retreat was exactly the same, (3) we had only met the previous week, (4) we were assigned to be room-mates for the weekend, (5) going down and coming back we felt like we had known each other much longer, (6) let’s just say I could go on and on. God’s just so awesome like that!

Well, after much prayer, from that eventful weekend until January 2014, and discussions with other ladies, an encouragement and prayer partner ministry was launched. We have seen ladies grow closer in their walk with Christ. We have seen relationships begin to be built. We have had the joy and blessings to see the ladies walk beside each other in support and encouragement when one is hurting, or celebrate a praise when prayers are answered.

I mentioned earlier that the conference was entitled “From Roots to Fruits.” I felt God whispering to me to write daily devotionals to share with the ladies ministry, to produce “fruit.” So, I began writing reflections of how God speaks to me, even in my “roots,”  and distributed the devotionals to the ministry group via email in May 2014. Before long, others  began requesting to be included on the email distribution list. Many readers encouraged me to have the devotions published. My reply to them was, “No. Thank you. I’m okay with just offering encouragement and prayer for you.”

Still, I felt God challenging me to step outside of my comfort zone to share with a broader audience. I just didn’t know where or how or when. Then I heard that small whisper again (if you already walk with God you know what I’m talking about)…I knew I eventually had to answer Him.

Sooooo….after much prayer and trying to get out of it, I am stepping out of my comfort zone, to share with you some of my personal reflections as I continue on my faith journey.

I am thankful for my friend. I’m thankful that she is a prayer partner and encourager. I am thankful that she helped me rediscover gifts that I had let get dusty.

I’m thankful that God can take the roots of my brokenness, confusion, fear, anxiety, joys, friendships, sinfulness, omissions, disobedience, hurts, addictions…you name it… and turn them into fruits of blessings to encourage others.

If you have read this far, then I am especially thankful for your friendship. Please know that you have been lifted in prayer.

I hope you will find encouragement through prayer, praise and promises of grace as you visit this site.

I look forward to sharing my ponderings as I listen for God’s whisperings of grace.

Perhaps you will hear Him whispering to you as well.

Please feel free to leave words of encouragement, praise or prayer requests when you visit. I will be happy to add them to my daily prayers.

32 “Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.” Acts 20:32 New International Version (NIV)

7 thoughts on “About

  1. Wow!! That is so awesome!! Praise God, thank you For sharing your testimony and about your ministry. May the Lord continue to bless and guide you!


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