Life Hack, according to Wikipedia “refers to any trick, shortcut, or novelty method that increases productivity and  efficiency, in all walks of life.”

While on Wikipedia’s “Life Hack” page I noticed a link to a book titled Getting Things Done by author David Allen. It’s a time management methodology of making lists. Humph! I’ve been practicing that for years without a book to tell me how to do it.

Now that I’m retired I like to call it repurposing my day. Granted, I will use some life hacks along the way.

I think I can get use to this retirement thing. Rapid responses don’t have to be quite so rapid anymore. I no longer have to get up while it’s o-dark o’clock out. I can leisurely drink my coffee and enjoy listening to the morning chorus performed by nature as it begins to prepare for the day (one of the pleasures of living in a country neighborhood out in the burbs). I no longer have to jockey for lane positions on a commute to the office. Dinners are now healthy home cooked meals instead of quick grabbed fast food fare. Exercise is tackling a “to do” list that has been on hold for goodness knows how long. 

7.12.18 drywipe
A Carry over from being in admin…yes, I have a project dry-wipe board full of wishes

The “to do’s” are mostly wishes. I started them in May, after I completed renovating the master bath, and imagine it will be a long time before I complete all of them. But hey, no rush. Right?

Renovating the bathroom! Now that was a task in and of itself. Painting the ceiling proved more challenging than I had anticipated. I had achy muscles that I forgot existed. It’s amazing how climbing up and down a ladder all day will give you a workout. I have a new appreciation for folks who paint for a living. I just might have to call on them for the other ceilings around the house. 

The walls went much quicker. (Still had to climb up and down that ladder though!)

Then there were the dreaded cabinet doors that needed to be removed and refinished. I’m not a big fan of the Thermofoil coating used for pre-finished cabinets. When it starts to peel there is no stopping it. I should have taken a before picture. Ugh! It was awful.

7.12.18 door prep
Thank goodness for YouTube DIY videos! After some sanding and painting…

 I don’t suggest setting up workshop in your kitchen. But, it rained all that week and I couldn’t get outside to do the work. So one does what one has to do to get the job done. Life hack #1.  

7.12.18 masterbathcomplete
… the cabinet looks better than when new. A big self-pat on the back.

After I finished the bathroom, I tackled the kitchen. The cabinets had brass

7.12.18 boiling knobs
Remove lacquer with vinegar and boiling water bath.

door/drawer knobs. I wanted white enameled pulls like the ones in the bathroom.

7.12.18 cracked lacquer
Allow to cool, wipe off cracked lacquer, rinse and dry

But those jokers costs anywhere from $4.50 or more each. I wasn’t about to spend over $100 for drawer pulls.

So what do I do? Life hack #2.

7.12.18 knobs ready to paint
Knobs placed on bottom of a cardboard box to paint ready for spray painting

I buy two cans of white Rustoleum spray enamel paint for less than $15. After two coats of white enamel and two coats of sealer, I was very pleased with the outcome.

 The last thing I’ve done thus far in the kitchen is to hang a “towel bar” in front of my sink.

I couldn’t find any towel bars that were the right size or color for the spot I wanted. So what did I do? You guessed it. Life hack #3.

7.12.18 towel bar
A simple little cafe curtain rod repurposed into a towel bar.

I repurposed a cafe curtain rod. It does the trick nicely.








Then there are things I want to do that I would like to become habits.

-Writing everyday to improve my WordPress skills (I’ve a long way to go on that one. I welcome feedback and comments from readers. Hoping to hear from some of you!)

-Sending greeting cards (Not many people do that anymore. I still enjoy receiving  handwritten heartfelt notes. Don’t you?)

-Studying biblical history (I’m participating in a group study on prayer this summer using Paul Millers book A Praying Life.)

-Visiting old friends (I’ve been sitting with a friend on Mondays this summer, who had a serious motorcycle accident and is wheelchair bound for several months.)

-Volunteering (places are still to be determined)

-Riding my bike with friends on the spur of a moment (More adventures to report on soon.)

-Being a full-time gra’ma, not just on holidays (It’s tough being a gra’ma when the babies live 5 hours away.)

-Develop a hobby. ( I used to sew. Wonder if I’m any good at it now. It’s been awhile. There are quilt scraps stored away. Hmmmm…there may be a new quilt in the future.)

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” – Proverbs 19:21

I’ve yet to set a routine for my days. Right now I’m still trying not to feel guilty for enjoying a day that doesn’t include punching a time-clock. But I know God and His Grace has a new purpose for me in my “retirement.” June Hunt so eloquently reminded me of this today when I read one of her articles in Hope for the Heart.

She wrote, “No one who has ever lived or is living now or will ever live can accomplish your unique purpose. This is something only you can do . . . something only God can do through you.”

Yep. I think I can get use to retirement and HIS repurposing my days.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me a life full of memories and experiences to draw upon as I begin a new chapter in my life. Reveal to me the new purposes and the repurposed walk with you in sharing your goodness with others. Reveal to all of us, the good and perfect purpose you have for our lives when we place our faith in you. In Christ name. – Amen

8 thoughts on “REPURPOSING

  1. I loved your message 😍😍 And am amazed at what you accomplished. Now that you have finished your project, I have a couple for you. I value the time we spent together when you were working and now really appreciate your emails. God bless 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Jody

    Sent from my iPhone



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